Morgan's Story
by Jennifer Benjamin, MBA, GCM, CDP
Family Caregiver Magazine, Spring 2016
Like most six years olds, Morgan Leary was an active, energetic happy little girl living with her parents and twin sister in their Center Moriches, NY home. she was involved in many sports including soccer, tennis, swimming and dance. She loved the outdoors, hiking and appreciated nature and tress. "She was always doling out I love you's to her family members", said Emily Leary, Morgan's mom. But, in the summer of 2014, Morgan's world drastically changed when after a tennis competition, her eyes were not moving normally. her parents rushed her to the emergency room where she was given a CAT scan that pointed to a lesion on her brain.
Click the images to read more about Morgan's courageous spirit, and the Love and care of her family.
Click the image above for a copy |
Click the image above for a copy |
Click the image above for a copy |
Moonshoot Conference Call
Vice President Joe Biden
May 25, 2016
On Wednesday, May 25th, BethAnn participated in the Cancer Moonshot Coherence Call with Vice President Biden to discuss opportunities to help advance the initiative's goals and to end cancer by doubling the rate of progress.
For Those Who Dare
Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure
Washington Business Journal
November 20, 2015
Click the image above for a copy of the supplement |
Washington Business Journal, DC - Brain cancer breakthroughs don’t follow conventional wisdom. Neither do we. Accelerated Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2) partners with scientists, physicians and companies to push the limits of science and technology. ABC2 has more than 100 grants totaling over $20 Million to world-renowned researchers and physician-scientists from 54 institutions and invest in high risk, high reward research. ABC2's has advanced more than a dozen new treatments into the clinic.
One of the most straightforward ways that you can help our cutting-edge scientific ventures is by donating. Your dollars will advance desperately in need of funding.
To DONATE or for more information about the ABC2 pursuit of an advanced breakthrough go to
The Washington Business Journal advertising supplement also featured BethAnn Telford, an Ironman World Championship triathlete, serial marathoner and 10-year brain cacner survior, as her and a team of adventurers raced across the Grand Canyon National Park from the North to South Rim in October of 2015.
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Rim to rim: Racing for brain cancer research
October 7, 2015
GRAND CANYON, Ariz. - BethAnn Telford is an Ironman World Champion triathlete, a serial marathoner and a 10-year brain cancer survivor. Maria Parker is is an accomplished ultra-marathon cyclist and the winner of the 2013 3000 Miles To A Cure. On Oct. 3 they raced 21.1 miles from the North to South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.
Their goal? To raise hope for brain cancer patients and obtain funding for brain cancer research.
For more information about the race go to the GRAND CANYON NEWS or Accelerated Brain Cancer Cure.
Click the image for a copy of the article |
Parker continues long journey to kill brain cancer
The Robesonian
September 30, 2015
Maria Parker has peddled across the country in her quest to find a cure for brain cancer, and now she plans to run across the Grand Canyon.
Those of us who have come to know this remarkable woman are not surprised — nor do we doubt she will do exactly as she plans this weekend.
You probably know of Parker, who has adopted Lumberton and Robeson County as her home, because she has given us the passenger’s seat on what has been a remarkable two-year journey that appears to still be in its infancy.
The really short version is this: In 2013, Parker learned that her sister, Jenny Mulligan, was suffering from brain cancer. Feeling powerless but empowered, Parker didn’t go small, but determined she was going to raise $1 million to help find a cure and save her sister’s life, and her first endeavor would be cycling across the country. Parker’s support vehicle on what was called 300 Miles to a Cure was involved in an accident during Race Across America and, although she lost a day, Parker persevered and not only finished the race, but was the first woman to do so and in record time.
Jenny lost her battle to cancer late in June 2014, but Parker’s fight against the disease has hardly paused.
She hopes to raise $250,000 this weekend in what is dubbed “Crossing the Canyon.” She and brain-cancer survivor and Ironman triathlete, BethAnn Telford, will travel 21 miles across the Grand Canyon using a steep and rugged route that features a 10,000-foot elevation change. In a single day.
Click the link more information about Crossing the Canyon or to go to The Robesonian article.
Click for a copy of the article |
Brain Tumor Advocacy and Rallying for Research
National Brian Tumor Society
by Lainey Titus Samant
September 21, 2015
Rally for Medical ResearchLast week, National Brain Tumor Society Advocates were in our nation’s capitol participating in a number of activities both in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and advocating for medical research funding. A special thanks to Lisa Peabody, Gina Memmott, Brian Spillman, Mary Dunn, and BethAnn Telford for their efforts on behalf of the brain tumor community this past week.
For more information about the rally go to the NBTS News & Blog.
Click for a Copy of the News Article |
Woman Runs Marathon to Help Child Battling Brain Cancer
News 12 Long Isand
by Antoinette Biordi
September 17, 2015
CENTER MORICHES - A 7-year-old girl from Center Moriches is in the fight of her life as she battles brain cancer, and one woman who was inspired by her strength went the distance in "A Marathon for Morgan."
Morgan was a healthy 6-year-old and a twin to her sister Emma. However, last August doctors discovered a golf-size tumor in her brain. The swelling in Morgan's brain was so bad that doctors had to remove a portion of her skull.
The surgery caused Morgan to have a seizure and a stroke. Doctors removed 90 percent of the tumor, but Morgan needed six rounds of chemo and then radiation.
It was during that time that Morgan's family met Bethann Telford through a mutual friend. Telford also had brain cancer 10 years ago and beat it.
Since then she says she's made it her mission to help children battling brain cancer by going the distance for them.
Bethann says even though she's crossed the finish line, her race to raise money and awareness for children with cancer is far from over.
For more information about Morgan and her battle go to the News 12 Long Island Aritcle.
Click the image above to go to the article |
Relay for Life: "These People Inspire You"
The Connection Newspaper
by Bonnie Hobbs
May 26, 2015
The annual Relay for Life raises money for the American Cancer Society. And for Erin Hamm, of Centreville’s Manorgate community, it’s personal. “I started participating a few years ago,” she said “My husband had cancer and a friend of mine needed more teammates for her Relay team. So I dragged my husband along and he loved it, and we’ve been doing it ever since.” Then last year, she was diagnosed with cancer. But, said Hamm, “You hear stories like this all the time. And we want to tell people that cancer’s not a death sentence, anymore — and this event is one thing we can do to help.” The Relay for Life is held throughout the U.S. Locally, it was in Centreville from 2008-11; and this year’s eighth annual event will be held for the fourth time at the nZone, 14550 Lee Road in Chantilly. It’s set for Saturday, June 6, from 2 p.m.-midnight. For more information, to donate or participate, go to For more information about BethAnn Telford please click the link or article to the right.
Click for a Copy of the News Article |
Brain Cancer Survivor BethAnn Telford Carries hope with Her in Today's Jemez Mountain Trail Races
Los Alamos Daily Post
by Bonnie J. Gordon
May 23, 2015
Like hundreds of other competitors in today’s 10th annual Jemez Mountain Trail Races, BethAnn Telford got up this morning, put on her running shoes and hit the trail with a couple close friends. But there’s something special about Telford. She’s running to find a cure for pediatric brain cancer. And she herself is a brain cancer victim.
Telford is running the 50K race with her good friends Sarah Domnarski, who traveled with her from Virginia, and Michelle Hall of Los Alamos. Hall met Telford when she joined a running group in Washington, D.C. Telford convinced Hall to run the Boston Marathon. “Beth inspires everyone around her,” Hall said.For more information about the Jemez Mountain Trail Races or BethAnn Telford please click the links or article to the right.
Click for a Copy of the News Article |
Pennsylvania-Based Hotel Group -- neema hospitatlity -- to Support Brain Cancer Research Charity for Second Year in a Row
Business Wire
May 14, 2015
Due to the success of the Charity promotion last year which generated over 500 room nights and a $2700 donation to Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure, Neema Hospitality will again in 2015 donate $5 per night at its ten hotel properties in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Maryland to support Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure, a non-profit research organization. BethAnn Telford is the inspiration behind the summer charity promotion. Telford is a brain cancer survivor, who despite suffering from seizures from the malignant glioblastoma in her brain, has completed the Boston Marathon four times, the Marine Corp Marathon twelve times, the Lake Placid Ironman twice and the Kona Ironman World Championships once in 2012.For more information about Neema Hospitality or BethAnn Telford please click the links or article to the right.
Click for a Copy of the Press Release |
College Park resident finds purpose in walking
College Park Community Paper
March 7, 2015
When Mercedes Albert first began walking it was merely a form of exercise for her physical health. But as her own physical health improved, that of her younger sister, Maria Mesa, worsened.
Mesa was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme, a rare form of brain cancer, December 17, 2010.
“They gave her one year with treatment, and six months without. She was so strong, so faithful, that she lasted three years and seven months,” Albert said.
Mesa was 60 when she passed, and Albert has dedicated her walking to a new purpose: joining 5K walks for cancer.
Most recently Albert was the team captain of a walk in West Palm Beach organized by Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure, a nonprofit organization founded by a man who had the same type of cancer as her sister.
Albert’s team name was “I Did It My Way—In Loving Memory of Maria Mesa,” and the team raised $16,825 for cancer research.
On May 3, Albert will be joining Team BT in the Race for Hope in Washington, D.C. The team captain, BethAnn Telford, has been a brain cancer survivor for 10 years.For more information about Mercedes Albert please go to College Park Community Paper or click the Article to the right.
Click for a Copy of the News Article |
Camp Hill native BethAnn Telford to run her 4th Boston Marathon, raising money for pediatric brain cancer
Penn Live, The Patriot-News
April 13, 2015
by Barbara Miller
Camp Hill native BethAnn Telford will be running her fourth Boston Marathon April 20th to raise money to battle pediatric brain cancer. Telford, 45, who lives in the Washington, D.C. area, has maintained her running career while battling a brain tumor. April 12th marks 10 years since her diagnosis. Telford is raising money in the marathon for nonprofit Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure. By the end of this year, she hopes to have raised $800,000, if not $1 million for brain cancer research.Telford said she is running in honor of Morgan Leary, a 6-year-old girl from Suffolk County, N.Y., who has been hospitalized since being diagnosed last August with primitive neuroectodermal tumor, which is an aggressive brain cancer.For more information about Morgan Leary (United by Morgan) and BethAnn Telford go to the Penn Live Article or click the News Article to the right.
Click for a Copy of the News Release |
This One's for Morgan
April 8, 2015
The Connection Newspaper
On April 20 of this year, I will be running my fourth Boston Marathon in honor of a beautiful little girl who is 6 years old and battling brain cancer from Center Moriches, New York (Suffolk County). Her name is Morgan Leary and she was suddenly and unexpectedly diagnosed with a PNET brain tumor (Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor) on Aug. 15, 2014. Unfortunately, her tumor is aggressive and she has undergone several brain surgeries to remove as much of the tumor as possible. She is also currently undergoing chemotherapy and radiation in the hopes of controlling her disease.
To help raise awareness for herself and the many other children, Morgan has graciously and beautifully decorated my New Balance 880v4’s, with which I will run the 119th Boston Marathon. It will be my honor to wear the shoes and when I push through the difficult sections of the run and climb Heart Break Hill, I will think of Morgan and the many other children and young adults I have met that struggle with this disease with a smile on their face and hope in their hearts.
For more information about Morgan Leary and BethAnn Telford go to The Connection Newspaper article or click the News Article to the right.
Click for a Copy of the News Release |
The Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim Challenge 2015
March 28, 2015
3000 Miles to a Cure’s mission is to end brain cancer by raising funds for research, extending an open invitation to unite in hope and action for the cure. In October 2015, BethAnn Telford and Maria Parker are teaming up and taking on the grueling Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim challenge on foot and equipped with Google Glass to raise money for brain cancer research. For more information about Morgan Leary, BethAnn Telford and the Rim-to-Rim Challenge or click the News Release to the right.
Click for a Copy of the News Release |
Brain Cancer Survivor to Compete in the
119th Boston Marathon in Honor of Morgan Leary,
a Pediatric Brain Tumor Patient
March 7, 2015
On April 20th of this year, I will be running my fourth Boston Marathon in honor of a beautiful little girl who is six years old and battling brain cancer from Center Moriches, New York (Suffolk County). Her name is Morgan Leary and she was suddenly and unexpectedly diagnosed with a PNET brain tumor (Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor) on August 15th of last year. Unfortunately, her tumor is aggressive and she has undergone several brain surgeries to remove as much of the tumor as possible. She is also currently undergoing chemotherapy and radiation in the hopes of controlling her terrible disease. For more information about Morgan Leary, please go to United By Morgan and for BethAnn Telford, please visit the website For a copy of the News Release, click the image to right.
Click for a Copy of the News Release |
The Centreville Independent, "The Top 10 Stories of 2013"
December 31, 2013
by Mary Stachyra Lopez
The Centreville Independent top 10 stories of 2013, as ranked by their popularity on social media accounts:4. Brain Cancer Survivor Returns to Marine Corps MarathonNine years after a life-changing diagnosis, Beth Ann Telford, a Fairfax resident, ran her 12th consecutive Marine Corps Marathon on Oct. 27. Brain cancer, rather than slowing her down, has pushed her through three Ironman competitions and three Boston Marathons—not to mention quite a few “Turkey Trots” in Virginia Run.The link to the article is here.
Click for a Copy of the Article |
The Patriot-News, Penn Live, "Marathoner BethAnn Telford helps demolish a York building to raise kids' cancer awareness"
December 30, 2013
by Barbara Miller
Slamming a wrecking ball through a building might be an unusual way to fight cancer, but former Camp Hill resident BethAnn Telford’s quest to battle pediatric cancer – as well as her own brain tumor – has been anything but traditional.
Telford, 44, a triathlete and marathoner who now lives in Fairfax, Va., for the past five years has raised a half-million dollars for research into pediatric cancer and brain tumors through the non- profit Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure. The link to the article is here.
Click for a Copy of the Article |
News Release, "Brain Cancer Survivor to Help "Demolish" Building for Pediaatric Cancer Awareness
December 26, 2013
BethAnn Telford, from Camp Hill, PA, will operate the machinery to help demolish” the building structure located at 300 North State Street in York, PA, this afternoon at approximately 2 pm to raise awareness for pediatric cancer. The former Danskin factory at this location is being removed by Complete Property Service LLC, owned by Justin Crider. For a copy of the News Release, please click here or the image to the right.
Click for a Copy of the Article |
San Diego Union-Tribune, "Going Over the Edge for Brain Cancer Research"
November 2, 2013
by Deborah Sullivan Brennan
BethAnn went Over the Edge yesterday to help fight brain cancer! Her feat along with many others including American Idol winner David Cook was written about in the San Diego Union-Tribune. Read more about their amazing accomplishment here.
Click for a Copy of the Article |
"Athlete Living with Cancer Set to Rappel Down San Diego High-Rise"
Fox 5 SanDiego
Click for a Copy of the Article |
BethAnn is currently in Southern California to partipate in a number of charity events to call attention to children who are battling brain cancer. Her journey and event in San Diego this weekend to rappel down a high-rise for charity has been written about on the Fox 5 San Diego website.
Los Angeles Times, "Athlete Living with Cancer Set to Rappel Down San Diego High-Rise"
October 29, 2013
by Amy Hubbard
BethAnn is currently in Southern California to partipate in a number of charity events to call attention to children who are battling brain cancer. Her journey and event in San Diego this weekend to rappel down a high-rise for charity has been written about in an article in the Los Angeles Times newspaper. The link to the ariticle is here.
Click for a Copy of the Article |
Brain Cancer Survivor Runs Marine Corps Marathon
October 28, 2013
by Andrea Roane, WUSA 9 News, Weekday Morning Anchor
BethAnn and Cristina Bonner were recently interviewed by USA 9 News Morning Anchor, Andrea Roane, following the 2013 Marine Corp Marathon. BethAnn talked about her journey with brain cancer and how she has used her misfortune to help others through raising awarness for brain cancer and helping to raise funds for research through Accelerated Brain Cancer Cure (
Click the Image Above to View the Interview |
...Contagious Optimism
Lessons from a Kona Ironman World Champion Finisher
Contagious Optimism (Viva Editions - 2014)
by Jenny Cutler Lopez
BethAnn was interviewed and has a chapter written by Jenny in the upcoming release of Contagious Optimism (Viva Editions - 2014) about her journey through life with brain cancer and her determination to compete in the Ironman Worldchampionships in Kona, Hawaii in 2013. To enjoy an audio reading of BethAnn's story from the book, please click the image to the right or go to
Click the Image Above to Enjoy an Audio Version of BethAnn's Story. |
Brain Cancer Survivor to Compete in Marine Corps Marathon and Rappel "Over the Edge" for Charity
BethAnn Telford will complete in two events this fall to benefit Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure ( and Team Kids (
To continue to raise awareness for children with brain cancer, Telford is training to compete in her 12th Marine Corps Marathon and will run the event with the help of 26 “coaches” as part of Team Kids Relay and Team Inspiration, who will run with her for each of the 26 miles. Each mile is dedicated to a child who is battling or has battled against brain cancer.
For more information on her race for a cure, the 26 children, or to make a donation, please go to the Race Towards a Cure website at
One week later, Telford will rappel down the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego - the tallest building on the San Diego waterfront – to continue to bring hope and support to the San Diego-based brain cancer research community through the Over the Edge for Brain Cancer event sponsored by Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure.
For more information for this amazing event, please go to the website (
Click for a Copy of the News Release |
Special Event...Night of Hope Fundraiser!
Dolce Veloce
Monday, October 7, 2013 from 7:00 pm until 10:00 pm
Dolce Veloce Cicchetti Wine Bar
10826 Fairfax Boulevard Fairfax, VA 22030 Tel.: (703) 385-1226
Click the Flyer to Download |
Please join us on this special evening for, “Race Towards A Cure” - Marine Corps Marathon and help raise funds and awareness for brain cancer research projects and collaborations sponsored by Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure. With your support, we will advance the research that will soon find the cure. In 2005, BethAnn Telford, was diagnosed with brain cancer. She had surgery later that year and was determined not to allow cancer to limit what she could do in the future. She has run at least one marathon each year since her diagnoses and last year, she conquered the world famous Kona Ironman Triatholon, which includes a 2.4 mile ocean swim, 112 mile bike ride and a 26.2 mile marathon. She finished the race in 15 hours, 13 minutes and 42 seconds. She will be running this year’s Marine Corp Marathon again; her 12th in a row. She has inspired thousands by her tireless fight to raise money for brain cancer research and has focused her time and effort on helping children afflicted with brain cancer. Her best friend, 7 year old, Anya Zvorsky, is also from her hometown and fights along with BethAnn to find a cure for this horrible disease. Please know that 100% of ALL PROCEEDS will go towards this cause, so each and every contribution, big or small, will be appreciated. We are so excited to be a part of this and look forward to seeing you soon! Your hosts, BethAnn Telford, Sandeep Thakrar, Lamont Easter, Rokas Beresniovas and myself, Larissa Johnson * Ask about sponsorship opportunities * Suggested cocktail attire * Suggested donation at the door: $20 (cash only) For more information go to* If you cannot attend, please feel free to donate directly to the following website:
Discovery Channel...
Look for the Discovery Channel program "Patient Ed: Silent Suffering: When Your Bladder Takes Control" which features BethAnn Telford along with her doctor, Dr. Tiffany Sotelo, the Director of the Pelvic Floor Center at the George Washington University Hospital. The program discusses the affects of overactive bladders and the many good treatment options available. BethAnn has just under gone Bladder (Cystoplasty) Augmentation due to her overactive bladder in connection with her brain cancer. Check your local listings for times in your area or click the image below to see the documentary on vimeo.
Click the image above to go to the article. |
...Contagious Optimism
Lessons from a Kona World Champion
Contagious Optimism (Viva Editions - 2014)
by Jenny Cutler Lopez
BethAnn was interviewed and has a chapter written by Jenny in the upcoming release of Contagious Optimism (Viva Editions - 2014) about her journey through life with brain cancer and her determination to compete in the Ironman Worldchampionships in Kona, Hawaii in 2013. To enjoy an audio reading of BethAnn's story from the book, please click the image to the right or go to
Click the Image Above to Enjoy an Audio Version of BethAnn's Story. |
Brain Cancer Survivor to Compete in Marine Corps Marathon and Rappel "Over the Edge" for Charity
BethAnn Telford will complete in two events this fall to benefit Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure ( and Team Kids (
To continue to raise awareness for children with brain cancer, Telford is training to compete in her 12th Marine Corps Marathon and will run the event with the help of 26 “coaches” as part of Team Kids Relay and Team Inspiration, who will run with her for each of the 26 miles. Each mile is dedicated to a child who is battling or has battled against brain cancer.
For more information on her race for a cure, the 26 children, or to make a donation, please go to the Race Towards a Cure website at
One week later, Telford will rappel down the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego - the tallest building on the San Diego waterfront – to continue to bring hope and support to the San Diego-based brain cancer research community through the Over the Edge for Brain Cancer event sponsored by Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure.
For more information for this amazing event, please go to the website (
Click for a Copy of the News Release |
Spreecast Interview...
See the Spreecast interview of BethAnn by Eszter Vajda on Eszter's Channel (June 25, 2013)...
The Connection, "Telford Receives Spirit Award"
May 15, 2013
by Bonnie Hobbs
Click the image above for a copy of the article. |
Joseph Weinberg Spirit Award Introduction
My husband, Rabbi Joseph Weinberg, who passed away from a brain tumor, often said, "We cannot always determine what will happen to us in life, but we can always decide how we will face the situation."
He called this "the triumph of the spirit," and it has been our family's great privilege these past ten years to tell the story of individuals who, in their lives, personify this remarkable trait.
This morning, we honor a woman of rare courage, who, despite great obstacles, has as her Team BT motto, "Never, never, never give up!"
A woman who rises at 3 a.m. to swim, jog or take an 80-mile bike ride and then returns home by 6 a.m. to get ready for work as special events coordinator at the U.S. Printing Office.
By 6 p.m., she is back home, in bed at 7, so she can begin again the next morning.
And have I mentioned, she is 97 percent blind in her left eye because of a malignant brain tumor, has a pace maker, suffers seizures and damaged vocal choards, which make it difficult for her to swallow.
Her name, as I'm sure you have guessed by now, is BethAnn Telford, though I think her real name is the one tattooed on her wrist, "HOPE."
Four months after her first brain surgery, after teaching herself to walk again, she entered a 5-K race. She has run at least one marathon each year since her diagnosis - three Boston Marathons, eleven Marine Corp Marathons, Lake Placid in 2008 and 2009, and the Ironman Triathlon in Kona, Hawaii, which involves an open ocean swim, a 112-mile bike ride and an arduous run.
She crossed the finish line in fifteen hours, thirteen minutes and 42 seconds, carrying a flag, emblazoned with the names of hundreds of children, fighting brain cancer.
"She has inspired so many people to believe they can do something when they don't think they can," saaid a friend. "She makes you feel so alive."
"There are starts in heaven that light our way through the dark of night, and there are stars here on Earth that guide our path in dark times." BethAnn, you are such a light. Your tenacity, your determination, your belief in tomorrow makes you the idea recipient of the Rabbi Joseph Weinberg Triumph of the Spirit Award, Race for Hope 2013. Thank you.
The Forecast, Par Fore the Cure Golf Classic
May, 2013
Click the image above for a copy of The Forecast. |
Click the symbol below for the video. |
Fairfax Connection, "Eating Chicken for a Good Cause"
May 9 - 15, 2013
by Bonnie Hobbs
Click the image above for a copy of the article. |
Fairfax Connection, "Enjoying Frozen Treats to Help Fairfax Girl"
April 11 - 17, 2013
by Bonnie Hobbs
Click the Image Above for a Copy of the Article |
CentreView, "'Track-a-Thon Tackles Brain Cancer"
April 18 - 24, 2013
by Bonnie Hobbs
Click the Image Above for a Copy of the Article |
Fairfax Connection, "Racing to Help Others"
March 28 - April 3, 2013
by Bonnie Hobbs
Click the Image Above for a Copy of the Article |
CentreView Northern Edition, "Rita's Fundraiser for Second-Grader"
March 28 - April 3, 2013
by Bonnie Hobbs
Click the Image Above for a Copy of the Article |
Click the image above to go to the article. |
Fairfax Connection, "Lives are on the Line"
March 21, 2013
Click the Image Above for a Copy of the Article |
The Competitors Radio Show
with Bob Babitt
Imagine meeting the amazing Jon “Blazeman” Blais around the time of his Ironman finish in 2005 while battling ALS. Then imagine being on call to fly to Florida and harvest Jon’s brain and other organs upon his death so that researchers could hopefully gain some insight into ALS, the horrific disease that took Jon’s life. Rob Vigorito came on to tell this amazing story of friendship and hope.
Click the Image Above to go to the Link |
CentreView Northern Edition "Lives Are on the Line"
March 14-20, 2013
Click the Image Above for a Copy of the Article |
Discovery Channel "Patient Ed: Silent Suffering: When Your Bladder Takes Control"
Look for the Discovery Channel program "Patient Ed: Silent Suffering: When Your Bladder Takes Control" which features BethAnn Telford along with her doctor, Dr. Tiffany Sotelo, the Director of the Pelvic Floor Center at the George Washington University Hospital. The program discusses the affects of overactive bladders and the many good treatment options available. BethAnn has just under gone Bladder (Cystoplasty) Augmentation due to her overactive bladder in connection with her brain cancer. Check your local listings for times in your area or click the image below to see the documentary on vimeo.
The Catheter Connection by 180 Medical
"Brain Cancer Survivor Relies on Hope to Push Boundaries"
by Trish Eklund, February 27, 2013
Click on the image above for a copy of the aritcle or go to the following link:
PennLive (Powered by: The Patriot News)
"Marathoner BethAnn Telford's Health Challenges will be Topic of Discovery Channel Program."
by Barbara Miller, February 20, 2013
Click on the image above for a copy of the aritcle or go to the following link:
"Living on Hope" - Tri Magazine March 2013
See the new Tri Magazine March 2013 article, "Living on Hope" about BethAnn's battle with brain cancer and her dream of competing in the Ironman World Championships. Click on the link above to go to and sign-in to receive a FREE subcription to the PDF version of Tri Magazine (or click here for a copy of just the article).
ESPN Interviews with BethAnn
Ironmanlife: Vigo's Unbelievable Race
Click the image for a copy of the article. |
Click the image to download the PDF |
BethAnn's story was recently printed on the front page of the Washington Post in the Saturday Edition, October 27, 2012 with the article written by Roman Stubbs ( Press this link to go to the website).
Click the image to download the PDF |
Click the image to download the PDF |
The National Brain Tumor Society Advocate of the Month for June 2012
To honor the dedication of our volunteer advocates, we will select an advocate of the month and showcase their dedication to fighting brain tumors and to this community. This month, we honor BethAnn Telford, survivor, advocate and Race for Hope Team BT team captain. BethAnn takes her leadership further by advocating for and spreading the word about policy issues that are critical to the brain tumor community. Hear from BethAnn as she shares her experiences as an advocate in this video.
GPO Employee Battling Brain Cancer to Compete in the Ironman World Championship |
CentreView Northern Edition - "Check One Off the Bucket List" |
Fairfax Connection - "Checking One Off the Bucket List" |
WTOP 103.5 "Fairfax Co. Brain Cancer Survivor Wins Ironman Slot" |
Brain Tumor Community Unites for Congressional Support |
PennLive - Race for Hope: Central Pennsylvania Teams Raise Money to Fight Brain Tumors |
PennLive - Marathon Runner to Carry Child Along in Spirt |
BethAnn at the Virginia Run Turkey Trot 2011. Click the image for a PDF of the Centreville Patch article on the race and BethAnn Telford. |
BethAnn finishing at the Steamtown Marathon in 2011. Setting a PR in her Father's home town of Scranton, PA. Click the image for a PDF of the Scranton Times-Tribune article on the race and BethAnn Telford. |
At the National Brain Tumor Society 2011 Summit in Philadelphia in November, Beth was awarded the BethAnn Telford Chair in Systems Biology. The grant was awarded to Dr. Brent Reynolds.
BethAnn Telford Chair in Systems Biology The edge of chaos: Application of complex adaptive system approach to managing tumor populations Brent A. Reynolds, PhD
University of Florida
Adaption of tumors to treatment is the hallmark of their survival. The team will apply models used to understand other Complex Adaptive Systems to better comprehend tumor biology and determine how to interfere with the complex interplay that allows tumor cells to adapt and resist current treatments.
BethAnn with Dr. Brent Reynolds from the University of Florida at the NBTS Summit. |
Click to Download the Get Your Head In The Game "BethAnn Telford" Story |
Click to Download the CentreVille South Article |
Click to Download the CentreVille North Article |
Click to Download the CHS AP Theater Playbill |
Click to Download the Washingtonian Ad with Team BT |
Click to Download the PennLive Article |
Click to Download the CentreView, Northern Addition Story |
Click to Download IAI Newsletter Article |
Click to Download Article |
Meredith Alwine's Story of Her Brother's Tumor |
In 2008, BethAnn was nominated for the Nice Guys Awards sponsored by the ACACIA Federal Savings Bank.